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Unleash your Enterprise with AI Automation You Can Trust

Unlock the full potential of your organization and its people with RiptideOS™, the platform for AI driven operations guided by human expertise.
Our Story

A dream team of technology visionaries, security experts, and experienced leaders brought together by a belief that transformative AI solutions will be foundationally secure, purpose-built, and human-guided.

Our Vision

A world where every enterprise can securely leverage transformative AI solutions to create value and outpace their competition without perpetually expensive and elusive data scientists and technologists.

Our Platform

RiptideOS™ is a proprietary and patent-pending AI platform for enterprise transformation deployed on a bespoke basis and licensed on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) consumption model that securely automates human-intensive tasks at a lower total cost than open-source solutions.

Who are we

Begin your AI Transformation journey today!


Free 1 Hour Workshop

Book a one-hour virtual meeting with our AI Solutions team to evaluate your AI potential and identify automation priorities. This workshop will provide insights into how AI can enhance your operations both now and in the future.


Discovery & AI RoadMap 

After finishing our complimentary one-hour workshop, the next phase is a Discovery Project, where we thoroughly explore your business. This process will result in a detailed AI roadmap that will kickstart your journey towards AI transformation.


Launch with

Once you have your Discovery and AI Roadmap deliverables, RiptideOS™ will be the foundation of implementing your AI transformation.

Request demo
Attend Our AI Assessment Workshop

Spend an hour with us to learn how to drive meaningful improvements to EBITDA and Enterprise Value with AI.

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